The Examiner Examines LifeSpan

LifeSpan is local and national source for technology recycling

August 13th, 2010 8:31 am
Destruction and disposal of technology (computers, printers, monitors, etc.) is a problematic effort for many businesses small and large. Adding recycling to the wish of disposal regarding technological resources complicates the dilemma. Finding a technology recycling company with a strong ethic and consistent environmental stewardship is an even larger challenge. One local company, LifeSpan Technology Recycling, headquartered in Newton is a solution provider for small businesses, large businesses, non profits, municipalities and system integrators. LifeSpan provides electronic asset retirement and data destruction services. They have the ability and flexibility of handling large quantities of equipment while customizing programs.

One such program offered by LifeSpan is their TCO Recovery ™ program which is a revenue sharing program for companies that have assets with remaining resale or other economic value. This is a method of achieving maximum return for recycled equipment. Newer equipment that is being upgraded and replaced can be recycled under the TCO Recovery ™ program while other equipment that is older with no real value can also be handled under different programs. LifeSpan helps customers determine the best method of disposal of the equipment and assets. Adding to this value, LifeSpan also provides a Certificate of Destruction certifying that all equipment was handled in accordance with federal, state and local laws.

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