R2 Solutions to Manage Comprehensive R2 Certification

R2 Solutions Launched as New Non-Profit Organization for Managing Comprehensive R2 Certification Practices Program for Responsible Recycling of Electronic Scrap

Washington, D.C. — The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc (ISRI) and its more than 1,550 members join in supporting the announcement of the creation of R2 Solutions, a stand-alone, non-profit organization formed to manage and continually develop the Responsible Recycling (R2) Certified Electronics Recycler® Program within the Recycling Industry Operating Standard (RIOS).

R2 Solutions will oversee the R2 Practices which provides a comprehensive set of standards for electronics recyclers that require responsible management of used computers and consumer electronics.  The R2 Practices, were developed under the aegis of an EPA facilitated, multi-stakeholder process that has been accredited by the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board as a third party auditable global standard.

To date, there are 21 electronics recycling facilities certified to the R2 Practices – a set of requirements that establishes a high bar for quality, environmental protection, health & safety, and data security, and that precludes shipping of hazardous materials to countries that have laws prohibiting their import.

“ISRI, as one of the original supporters of the R2 Practices, applauds the creation of R2 Solutions as a stand-alone, non-profit organization, whose sole purpose is to manage and sustainably develop the R2 Practices in an open, transparent manner,” stated Robin Wiener, president of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI).  “We firmly believe that a neutral, third-party organization such as R2 Solutions is a more appropriate administrator of the R2 Program going forward, and we [ISRI] look forward to its progress in advancing responsible electronics recycling globally.”

The newly created R2 Solutions body will manage continual development of R2 Practices, with standards development and stakeholder consultations on R2 Practices publicly available.  A full set of standards is available at www.r2solutions.org.

With the creation of R2 Solutions, a governance structure embraced by the EPA, vendors can now have confidence that used electronic equipment is being recycled safely and responsibly by accredited recyclers.

R2 Solutions will act as the Secretariat for the R2 Standard, and the governing council empanelled by R2 Solutions will operate under a set of bylaws that will require a decision-making forum, including an appeals process, in which all interested stakeholders may participate. T

he Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries and its more than 1,550 members represents over 350 electronics refurbishers and recyclers ISRI has been a charter member of the R2 efforts since its inception and offers R2 certification as part of its Certified Electronics Recycler® Program.  (www.CertifiedElectronicsRecycler.com)


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