Posts Tagged ‘Computer Recycling’

Hold a Sucessful Employee Recycling Event

Corporate electronics recycling events can help build a sense of community, sustainability, and cultural focus with your employees if done the appropriate way.  On the other hand, they can be a drain on resources and dollars if poorly executed.  Having participated in a few from both sides of the equation, successful events boil down to the following:

  •  Preparation
  •  Recycler Partnership
  •  Internal Awareness & Communication
  •  Understanding the $$

Employees Drop off Electronics in the Parking Lot

To start off with, give yourself enough time to plan the event and get the necessary “buy-in” from the corporate stakeholders who will approve the program.  Determine possible dates (including rain dates if collection is to be outside), location, traffic flow, departments to be advised, resources needed, etc and put together a checklist.  If the dates can correlate with national awareness days like Earth Day or America Recycles Day, all the better.

Next, engage an electronics recycling partner that has the best practices, third-party audited certifications (R2, RIOS, ISO 14001, NAID, etc), insurance coverage, and skill sets that meet your corporate standards.  Thorough collaboration with your recycling partner in advance will help insure that company and employee expectations are met.  You should be able to communicate to your employees 100% confidence that your selected vendor will handle the material collected in an environmentally responsible way and guarantee the security of data bearing assets while onsite and the destruction of these assets back at their facility.

The next step is to internally market the event to your employee base several times prior to the established date.  If feasible, ask your vendor to come in for a “lunch and learn” presentation to department heads about the event, how it will be run, and the benefits to the community, environment and the individuals.  Finally, try to get a gauge on the amount of electronic equipment you might expect and share this with your vendor.  Nothing is worse than expecting 2 trailer loads of material and actually getting 4 pallets or conversely underestimating the turnout and being ill prepared to handle the volume.

Make sure you also understand the dollars and cents of the material to be recycled.  The reality is that there is a cost for responsible recycling and compliance with environmental laws.  Work with your vendor to determine the cost centers involved (recycling, labor, materials, transportation) and determine who bears this expense.  Corporations that subsidize the expense of recycling for their employees obtain the greatest internal and external PR benefit and establish a tone of commitment to sustainable best practices and a focus toward the community at large. Have your vendor prepare an environmental impact report that indicates the positive effects of your event and share it with your personnel and local media outlets.  It is worth the effort.

LifeSpan has helped many companies put on successful electronic recycling events.  Let us know if we can help you plan one at your location.

Technology Recycling – Social or Legal Responsibility

Rocky Mountain Chapter HDI members get a tour of LifeSpan's warehouse facility.

The Rocky Mountain Chapter of HDI met at LifeSpan for their February meeting.  It included a tour and a presentation from company President Dag Adamson.  They featured the meeting in their quarterly newsletter, which you can view here.  LifeSpan was delighted to host the group!

LifeSpan Super Bolt Champion

LifeSpan’s Denver plant recently held a competition – the Super Bolt.

Theevent involved the timed de-manufacture of a single PC, including sorting each of the components into the proper bins, one lap around the bins, and then set up of the next PC.  All Denver team members were invited to compete.

Super Bolt Champion!

Winner Chris Oliver, shown with the Golden Drill Trophy, was able to beat his colleagues with his time of 2 minutes-11seconds.

Plant manager Matt Hansen says the next event will be in June, when he expects a new record time to be posted.

The Examiner Examines LifeSpan

LifeSpan is local and national source for technology recycling

August 13th, 2010 8:31 am
Destruction and disposal of technology (computers, printers, monitors, etc.) is a problematic effort for many businesses small and large. Adding recycling to the wish of disposal regarding technological resources complicates the dilemma. Finding a technology recycling company with a strong ethic and consistent environmental stewardship is an even larger challenge. One local company, LifeSpan Technology Recycling, headquartered in Newton is a solution provider for small businesses, large businesses, non profits, municipalities and system integrators. LifeSpan provides electronic asset retirement and data destruction services. They have the ability and flexibility of handling large quantities of equipment while customizing programs.

One such program offered by LifeSpan is their TCO Recovery ™ program which is a revenue sharing program for companies that have assets with remaining resale or other economic value. This is a method of achieving maximum return for recycled equipment. Newer equipment that is being upgraded and replaced can be recycled under the TCO Recovery ™ program while other equipment that is older with no real value can also be handled under different programs. LifeSpan helps customers determine the best method of disposal of the equipment and assets. Adding to this value, LifeSpan also provides a Certificate of Destruction certifying that all equipment was handled in accordance with federal, state and local laws.

Complete Article Here

LifeSpan Technology Recycling ® and GlobalWare Team to Provide Profitable End-of-Life Solutions

Per 7/14/2010 Press Release:

GlobalWare Solutions and LifeSpan Technology Recycling ® Team to Provide Profitable, Environmentally Sound End-of-Life Technology Solution

Don’t throw that computer in the landfill!

The downside of rapidly evolving digital technology is the compressed cycle of obsolescence. GlobalWare Solutions and LifeSpan Technology Recycling have entered into a partnership to expedite the recycling of digital components to help keep the planet green while turning those used electronics into a revenue stream for their clients.

One customer is a worldwide leader in storage and network security solutions. The company has sold over 410 million digital storage drives and disks alone. With products ranging from hard drives to disks to DVD components to flash memory sticks, the company had found itself with an ever expanding inventory of refurbished items, but no sales channels to move these types of products.

Enter the strategic alliance of GlobalWare and LifeSpan. Together the two are delivering a competitive advantage to technology companies by selling and delivering previously worthless assets directly to both consumers and wholesalers. Customers, like the one mentioned above, are transforming the costs associated with inventory management into an ongoing revenue stream.

GlobalWare brings its expertise in shipping, global logistics and supply chain management. The company has a state-of-the-art fulfillment system featuring a proprietary software platform which provides its clients with real time inventory management coupled with industry standard accuracy and transparency.

LifeSpan provides their experience in electronic asset retirement and the all important worldwide sales channels for these refurbished goods and recycled raw materials.

“This is a very synergistic fit,” says GlobalWare Solutions CEO, David Beatson. “Our partnership is a win-win-win situation for us, our customers and the planet.”
Dag Adamson, President of LifeSpan, says “This is one of the best things we can do for the environment, to get end-of-life electronic products back into the marketplace so they don’t end up in landfills, here or overseas. Our clients benefit from reduced inventory and increased revenues. Plus, the environment benefits because we are recycling, selling refurbished products and converting parts back into raw materials.”

Based upon its initial success with only a handful of products from this one customer alone, GlobalWare and LifeSpan anticipate significant revenue growth as its handles a wider array of this market leader’s product lines and those of other technology companies with similar challenges.

Headquartered in Haverhill, Massachusetts, GlobalWare Solutions helps companies market, sell and deliver physical and digital products to the global marketplace. From versatile turnkey ecommerce and logistics solutions, GlobalWare reduces lead-time, cuts costs, increases flexibility in product lifecycles and streamlines program management to drive revenues, build customer loyalty and gain competitive advantage.

LifeSpan Technology Recycling, founded in 2002, specializes in asset retirement, data protection and computer components recycling for corporations, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations nationwide. LifeSpan also manages a full range of so-called “end-of-life” information security issues for its clients. The company works exclusively with EPA-registered and regulation-compliant partners to maintain the highest standards of environmental protection and ethical business practices. It is an authorized Microsoft partner with offices in Boston, Denver, Omaha and San Diego.

Government Recycling Programs Fall Short

In this piece on, Emily Long details how “Contractors responsible for recycling government computers and other electronic equipment aren’t held accountable to certification standards and environmental regulations”.  The issue has been brought to the attention of House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Edolphus Towns, who has “asked EPA for details on its plan to enforce recycling regulations and for more information about audits and inspections of e-waste recyclers. Towns asked GSA to explain the criteria used to select recycling contractors and whether it plans to issue new guidance for safe disposal certification.”

Long noted that only 2 of 60 e-waste recyclers in the GSA’s Schedule 899-5 meet the criteria for the EPA’s new responsible recycling program, R2.

If you would like more information on R2/RIOS, please email:

Do your copy machines pose a security risk?

CBS News reports on how many companies are unaware that their copy machines contain storage media that needs to be sanitized prior to resale or recycling:

Is your IT asset management company providing certification that storage media is being destroyed in ALL assets? It’s a question worth asking.

LifeSpan helps UNH roll out Safe Electronic Equipment Disposal Program

The new SEED program allows students at UNH to retire their surplus computer equipment with piece of mind knowing that LifeSpan will be providing secure data destruction and compliant recycling of all assets.

Read more here:  Electronic Equipment Disposal: UNH IT Announces New Program.

Data Center World 2010

LifeSpan Technology Recycling had the opportunity to attend Data Center World 2010 in Nashville TN. DCW is presented by AFCOM, the premier data center association representing 4,500 of the largest data centers around the world.

LifeSpan showcased it’s On-Site Enterprise Erasure Solution, On-Site Hard Drive Destruction Tool and loose media collection/destruction solution.

LifeSpan On-Site Solutions

Email for more information about LifeSpan’s On-Site Data Eradication and Recycling Services for Data Centers.

Toyota Celebrates Earth Day

In 2009 LifeSpan Technology Recycling had the opportunity to take place in a green event with Toyota for Earth Day. Toyota continues to showcase their commitment to properly recycling E-Waste :